This is the full list of technical papers, articles, historic documents, maps and web resources that were used in the creation of Before the Mountain had a Name.
AAP & AG Staff 2011 Giant mammal ancestor found in Tasmania Australian Geographic Online, 20 December
AAP & AG Staff 2019 Amazing ancient seabird fossil found in New Zealand sparks rethink of bird's evolution The Guardian Online, Wednesday 18 September
ABC Science 2020 OzFossils ABC Science
Anon. 1822 Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser, Saturday August 31 A. Bent. Hobart, Tasmania 2pp
Archer, M., Arena, R., Bassarova, M., Black, K., Brammall, J., Cooke, B., Creaser, P., Crosby, K., Gillespie, A., Godthelp, H., Gott, M., Hand, S. J., Kear, B., Krikmann, A., Mackness, B., Muirhead, J., Musser, A., Myers, T., Pledge, N., Wang, Y. & Wroe, S. 1999 The evolutionary history and diversity of Australian Mammals Australian Mammalogy, 21 1 - 45
Arrowsmith, J. 1834 Van Diemen's Land J. Arrowsmith London, UK Map Document
Ash, S. R. 1979 Skilliostrobus gen. nov., a new lycopsid cone from the Early Triassic of Australia Alcheringa 3 (2) 73 - 89
Augland, L.E., Ryabov, V.V., Vernikovsky, V.A., Planke, S., Polozov, A.G., Callegaro, S., Jerram, D.A. & Svensen, H.H. 2019 The main pulse of the Siberian Traps expanded in size and composition Scientific Reports, 9, 18723
Australian Museum 2023 Australia Over Time
Banks, M.R. 1977 The Geological History of Tasmania with Special Reference to Events During the Palaeozoic PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania 593pp
Banks, M.R., Cosgriff, J.W. & Kemp, N.R. 1978 A Tasmanian Triassic stream community Australian Natural History 19 (5) Sydney, Australia 150 - 157
Beautemps-Beaupre, C.F. 1807 Carte générale de la partie méridionale de la Nouvelle Hollande, appelée Terre d'Anthony Van Diemen, comprenant les découvertes faites dans cette partie par le contre amiral Bruny-Dentrecasteaux / levée et dressée par C.F. Beautemps-Beaupre, ingénieur hydrographe, en 1792 et 1793 (an 1er de l'ere Francaise) Depot general des cartes et plans de la marine et des colonies Paris, France Map Document
Bender, P. 2008 A review of the Early Triassic fish remains from Tasmania Kanunnah: The Research Journal of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery 3 Hobart, Tasmania 27 - 40
Bligh, W. 1791 -1793 A log of the proceedings of His Majesty's ship Providence on a second voyage to the South Sea to carry the breadfruit plant from the Society Islands to West Indies, written by himself Vols. 1 & 2 17 July 1791 - 6 September 1793 403pp
Bligh, W. 1792 A Survey of Van Diemen's Land in HMS Providence Map Document
Brakel, A.T. & Totterdell, J.M. 1990 The Permian palaeogeography of Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Record 1990/60 126pp
Burrett, C.F. & Martin, E.L. 1989 Geology and Mineral Resources of Tasmania Special Publication Geological Society of Australia 15 Brisbane, Australia 574pp
Calver, C.R. 2009 Geological setting of Jurassic plant fossils near Lune River Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 2009/2 Hobart, Tasmania 14pp access via
Carpenter, R.J., Hill, R.S. & Jordan, G.J. 2017 Cenozoic vegetation in Tasmania: macrofossil evidence in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 276 - 298
Chavez, M. 2007 Fossil birds of Chile and Antarctic Peninsula Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janerio 65 (4) 551 - 572
Clarke, M.J. 1971 The fauna and age of the Malbina A Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 14 Hobart, Tasmania 151 - 157 access via
Clarke, M.J. 1972 The growth position and post-mortem asymmetrical distortion of some Tasmanian neospiriferids Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 15 Hobart, Tasmania 139 - 143 access via
Clarke, M.J. 1973 Faunas from the Ferntree Group of South-Eastern Tasmania Department of Mines, Technical Report 15 Hobart, Tasmania 139 - 143 access via
Clarke, M.J. 1987 Late Permian (late Lymingtonian = ?Kazanian brachiopods from Tasmania Alcheringa 11 (4) 261 - 289
Clarke, M.J. 1992 A new Notospiriferine genus (Spiriferida: Brachiopoda) from the Permian of Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania Vol 126 Hobart, Tasmania 73 - 76
Clarke, M.J. 1992 Hellyerian and Tamarian (Late Carboniferous - Lower Permian) invertebrate faunas from Tasmania Bulletin of the Geological Survey Tasmania 69 Hobart, Tasmania 52pp access via
Clarke, M.J. & Farmer, N. 1976 Biostratigraphic nomenclature for Late Palaeozoic rocks in Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania Vol 110 Hobart, Tasmania 91 - 109
Clode, D. 2018 From Dinosaurs to Diprotodons: Australia's Amazing Fossils Museums Victoria Melbourne, Australia 43pp
Corbett, K. 2019 Child of Gondwana: The geological making of Tasmania Forty South Publishing Hobart, Tasmania 197pp
Corbett, K.D., Quilty, P.D. & Calver, C.R. 2014 Geological Evolution of Tasmania Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 24 Tasmania 639pp
Cosgriff, J.W. 1974 Lower Triassic Temnospondyli of Tasmania Geological Society of America Boulder, Colarado 134pp
Crespin, I 1964 Catalogue of Fossil Type and Figured Specimens in Tasmania Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Report No. 69 Canberra, Australia 30pp
Davis, J.L. 1958 The cryoplanation of Mount Wellington Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 92 151 - 154
Davis, J.L. 1959 Sea level change and shoreline development in south-eastern Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 93 89 - 95
De Quincey, E. 1987 The History of Mount Wellington: a Tasmanian sketchbook E. de Quincey Hobart, Tasmania 132pp
Dettmann, M.E. 2017 Cretaceous vegetation: the microfossil record in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 143 - 170
Douglas, J.G. 2017 Cretaceous vegetation: the macrofossil record in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 171 - 188
Dziewa, T.J. 1980 Early Triassic Osteichthyans from the Knocklofty Formation of Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 114 Hobart, Tasmania 145 - 160
Edwards, Z. 2007 Tasmania too old for dinosaurs ABC News Online, 14 December
Erwin, D. H. 2006 Extinction: How life on Earth nearly ended 250 million years ago Princeton University Press Princeton, New Jersey 296pp
Ezcurra, M.D. 2014 The osteology of the basal Archosauromorph Tasmaniosaurus triassicus from the Lower Triassic of Tasmania, Australia PLoS ONE 9 (1) 1 - 31
Farmer, N. 1979 Hobart Sheet SK-55/8 Geological Survey Explanatory Report Geological Atlas 1:250,000 Series Department of Mines Hobart, Tasmania 24pp access via
Farmer, N. 1985 Kingborough Sheet 88(8311N) Geological Survey Explanatory Report Geological Atlas 1:50,000 Series Department of Mines Hobart, Tasmania 105pp access via
Fitzgerald, E. 2012 The Last of the Flying Giants Australasian Science 33 (10) 18 - 21
Fitzgerald, E.M.G., Park, T. & Worthy, T.H. 2012 First giant bony-toothed bird (Pelagornithidae) from Australia Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32 (4) 971 -974
Flinders, M. 1843 Chart of Van Diemen's Land. Sheet VI, South coast 1798 - 1799 Hydrographical Office London, UK Map Document
Forsyth, S.M., Clarke, M.J., Calver, C.R., Everard, J.L., McClenaghan, M.P., Corbett, K.D. & Vicary, M. 2023 Geology of Southeast Tasmania, Digital Geological Atlas, 1:250,000 Scale Series. Mineral Resources Tasmania,
Gaffney, E.S. 1981 A review of the fossil turtles of Australia American Museum Novitates, 2720, December 3 The American Museum of Natural History 38pp
Gillespie, R., Camens, A.B., Worthy, T.H., Rawlence, N.J., Reid, C., Bertuch, F., Levchenko, V. & Cooper, A. 2012 Man and megafauna in Tasmania: closing the gap Quaternary Science Reviews 37 38 -47
Goldring, R. 1991 Fossils in the field: information and potential analysis John Wiley & Sons New York 218pp
Gordon, D. 2003 Living Lace New Zealand Geographic 61, Jan - Feb
Hall, S. 1828 Van Diemen's Land Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Paternoster Row London, UK Map Document
Hayes, J. 1793 A Chart of Van Diemen's Land Southern Extremity of New Holland Inscribed to Sir John Shore Bart by his most faithful and obedient servant John Hayes. Map Document
Hill, R. S. (ed) 2017 History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 433pp
Houseman, G. 2023 Dispersal of Gondwana University of Leeds; Digital animation
Ivano, A.V., He, H., Yan, L., Ryabov, V.V., Shevko, A.Y., Palesskii, S.V. & Nikoaeva, I.V. 2013 Siberian Traps large igneous province: Evidence for two flood basalt pulses around the Permo-Triassic boundary and in the Middle Triassic, and contemporaneous granitic magmatism Earth Science Reviews, 122 58 - 76
Jell, P.A. 2004 The Fossil Insects of Australia Memoirs of the Queensland Museum Nature 50(1) Brisbane, Australia 124pp
Kronosaurus Korner 2023 Pterosaur
Kundrat, M., Rich, T.H., Lindgren, J. & Sjovall, P. 2020 A polar dinosaur feather assemblage from Australia Gondwana Research, 80 1 - 11
Lane, P., Morris, D., Bridle, K. & Eyles, A. 2015 Common grasses of Tasmania Cradle Coast NRM, NRM North, NRM South & the University of Tasmania 147pp
Larkins, D & Lyons, S. 2019 A new pterosaur, or prehistoric flying reptile species, has been discovered in outback Queensland ABC News Online, 4 October
Leaman, D.E. 1974 Seismic survey, Derwent estuary Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 17 104 - 106 access via
Leaman, D.E. 1976 Hobart Sheet 82(8312S) Geological Survey Explanatory Report Geological Atlas 1:50,000 Series Department of Mines Hobart, Tasmania 115pp access via
Leaman, D.E. & Moore, W.R. 1975 Refraction seismic survey, North West Bay Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 18 46 - 52 access via
Lee, I. 1911 A forgotten navigator: Captain (afterwards Sir) John Hayes, and his voyage of 1793 The Geographical Journal 38 (6) 580-590
Lee, I. 1920 Captain Bligh's Second Voyage to the South Sea Longman, Green & Co. London, UK 289pp
Lucas, S.G 2012 The Extinction of the Conulariids Geosciences 2 (4) 1 - 10
Macquarie, L. 1821 Journal of a voyage and tour of inspection to Van Diemen's Land 4 April 1821 - 12 July 1821 Mitchel Library, Sydney A784 1-47ff
Macphail, M.K., Alley, N.E., Truswell, E.M. & I.R.K. Sluiter 2017 Early Tertiary vegetation: evidence from spores and pollens in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 189 - 261
Martin, H.A. 2017 Australian Tertiary phytogeography: evidence from palynology in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 104 - 142
McIntoch, P.D., Price, D.M., Eberhard, R. & Slee, A.J. 2008 Late Quaternary erosion chronology in lowland and mid-altitude Tasmania Forest Practices Authority Scientific Report 5 Hobart, Tasmania 58pp
Mcloughlin, S. 2017 Australia's Permian Vertebrates: where have they gone? Australian Age of Dinosaurs Magazine, Issue 14 Winton, Queensland 70 - 75
Mcloughlin, S., Tosolini, A-M.P., Nagalingum, N.S. & Drinnan, A.N. 2002 Early Cretaceous (Neocomian) flora and fauna of the Lower Strezelecki Group, Gippsland Basin, Victoria Memoir 26 of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 144pp
Melbourne Museum 2023 600 Million Years: Victoria evolves
Milligan, J. 1859 On the dialects and language of the Aboriginal Tribes of Tasmania, and on their manners and customs Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 3 (2) 240 - 282
Moore, W.R. 1978 Whitewater Creek dam sites, Kingston and the Tertiary channels of the Kingston-Margate area Tasmania Department of Mines Geological Survey Paper 3 67pp access via
Orchard, A.E. (Ed) 1998 Flora of Australia Volume 48: Ferns, Gymnosperms and Allied Groups ABRS/CSIRO Melbourne, Australia 766pp
Paleontological Research Institution 2023 Digital Atlas of Ancient Life Paleontological Research Institution Ithaca, New York
Parfrey, S. 2011 Brachiopods: Factsheet Queensland Museum Learning Brisbane, Australia
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Playford, G. 1965 Plant microfossils from Triassic sediments near Poatina, Tasmania Journal of the Geological Society of Australia 12 (2) 173 - 210
Popopat, S.F., Martin, S.K., Tosolini, A-M.P., Wagstaff, B.E., Bean, L.B., Kear, B.P., Vickers-Rich, P. & Rich, T.H. 2018 Early Cretaceous polar biotas of Victoria, southeastern Australia - an overview of research to date Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology 1 -73
Reid, C.M. 2003 Permian Bryozoa of Tasmania and New South Wales: systematics and their use in Tasmanian biostratigraphy Memoir 28 of the Association of Australasian Palaeontologists 133pp
Reik, E.F. 1962 Fossil insects from the Triassic at Hobart, Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 96 Hobart, Tasmania 39 - 40
Richardson, H. 2020 Winton dinosaur field reveals biggest carnivorous dinosaur ever found in Australia ABC News Online, 15 January
Riel, N., Jaillard, E., Martelat, J-E., Guillot, S. & Braun, J. 2018 Permian-Triassic Tethyan realm reorganization: Implications for the outward Pangea margin Journal of South American Earth Sciences 81 78 - 86
Roubik, D.W. & Moreno Patine, J.E. 1991 Pollens and Spores of Barro Colorado Island Monographs in Stematic Botany from the Missouri Botanical Garden 36
Rozefelds, A., Bull, S. & Warren, A. 2011 New evidence of large Permo-Triassic Dicynodonts (Synapsida) from Australia Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 31 (5) 1158 - 1162
Squires, D. 2012 Type and Figured Palaeontological Specimens in the Tasmnaian Museum and Art Gallery: A Catalogue Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery (TMAG) Hobart, Tasmania 169pp
Stephens, S. 1988 Geology in Taroona 1808 - 1986 Farm Lands to a Garden Suburb Taroona Historical Group Hobart, Tasmania 12 - 20
Strauss, B. 2019 10 Important Dinosaurs that Roamed Across Australia and Antarctica
Swinburne University of Technology 2019 Huge-clawed predatory dinosaur discovery in Victoria, October 31
Tasch, P. 1975 Non-marine arthropoda of the Tasmanian Triassic Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 109 Hobart, Tasmania 97 - 103
Taylor, D.W. & Hickey, L.J. 1990 An Aptian plant with attached leaves and flowers: Implications for angiosperm origin Science 247 (4943) 702 - 704
Taylor, J.A. 1995 Tasmanian Place Names - The Aboriginal Connection Bokprint Launceston, Tasmania 128pp
Taylor, J.A. 2006 A Study of the Palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal) Place Names Uniprint Launceston, Tasmania 373pp
Taylor, J.A. 2006 The Palawa (Tasmanian Aboriginal) Languages: A Preliminary Discussion University of Tasmania, Unpublished Thesis 288pp
Thomas, G.A. 1969 Notoconularia, a new Conulariid genus from the Permian of Eastern Australia Journal of Paleontology 43 (5) 1283 - 1290
Tidwell, D, Kim, J-H. & Kimura, T. 1987 Mid-Mesozoic leaves from near Ida Bay, Southern Tasmania, Australia Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 121 159 - 170
TMAG 2013 An ancient marsupial - Wynyardia: c. 23 million years old ABC Local Online, 4 February
Turner, S. & Long, J. 2015 The Woodward Factor: Arthur Smith Woodward's legacy to geology in Australia and Antarctica in Johanson, Z., Barrett, P.M., Richter, M. & Smith. M. (eds) Arthur Smith Woodward: His life and influence on Modern Vertebrate Palaeontology, Geological Society, Special Publication 430 London, UK 261 - 288
Turney, C.S.M., Flannery, T. F., Roberts, R.G., Reid, C., Fifield, L.K., Higham, T.F.G., Jacobs, Z., Kemp, N., Colhoun, E.A., Kalin, R.M. & Ogle, N. 2008 Late-surviving megafauna in Tasmania, Australia, implicate human involvement in their extinction PNAS 105 (34) 12150 - 12153
Uppsala University 2019 First evidence of feathered polar dinosaurs found in Australia, November 12
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Vickers-Rich, P. & Rich, T.H. 1993 Wildlife of Gondwana William Heinemann Australia 276pp
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AAP & AG Staff 2019 Amazing ancient seabird fossil found in New Zealand sparks rethink of bird's evolution The Guardian Online, Wednesday 18 September
ABC Science 2020 OzFossils ABC Science
Anon. 1822 Hobart Town Gazette and Van Diemen's Land Advertiser, Saturday August 31 A. Bent. Hobart, Tasmania 2pp
Archer, M., Arena, R., Bassarova, M., Black, K., Brammall, J., Cooke, B., Creaser, P., Crosby, K., Gillespie, A., Godthelp, H., Gott, M., Hand, S. J., Kear, B., Krikmann, A., Mackness, B., Muirhead, J., Musser, A., Myers, T., Pledge, N., Wang, Y. & Wroe, S. 1999 The evolutionary history and diversity of Australian Mammals Australian Mammalogy, 21 1 - 45
Arrowsmith, J. 1834 Van Diemen's Land J. Arrowsmith London, UK Map Document
Ash, S. R. 1979 Skilliostrobus gen. nov., a new lycopsid cone from the Early Triassic of Australia Alcheringa 3 (2) 73 - 89
Augland, L.E., Ryabov, V.V., Vernikovsky, V.A., Planke, S., Polozov, A.G., Callegaro, S., Jerram, D.A. & Svensen, H.H. 2019 The main pulse of the Siberian Traps expanded in size and composition Scientific Reports, 9, 18723
Australian Museum 2023 Australia Over Time
Banks, M.R. 1977 The Geological History of Tasmania with Special Reference to Events During the Palaeozoic PhD Thesis, University of Tasmania Hobart, Tasmania 593pp
Banks, M.R., Cosgriff, J.W. & Kemp, N.R. 1978 A Tasmanian Triassic stream community Australian Natural History 19 (5) Sydney, Australia 150 - 157
Beautemps-Beaupre, C.F. 1807 Carte générale de la partie méridionale de la Nouvelle Hollande, appelée Terre d'Anthony Van Diemen, comprenant les découvertes faites dans cette partie par le contre amiral Bruny-Dentrecasteaux / levée et dressée par C.F. Beautemps-Beaupre, ingénieur hydrographe, en 1792 et 1793 (an 1er de l'ere Francaise) Depot general des cartes et plans de la marine et des colonies Paris, France Map Document
Bender, P. 2008 A review of the Early Triassic fish remains from Tasmania Kanunnah: The Research Journal of the Tasmanian Museum and Art Gallery 3 Hobart, Tasmania 27 - 40
Bligh, W. 1791 -1793 A log of the proceedings of His Majesty's ship Providence on a second voyage to the South Sea to carry the breadfruit plant from the Society Islands to West Indies, written by himself Vols. 1 & 2 17 July 1791 - 6 September 1793 403pp
Bligh, W. 1792 A Survey of Van Diemen's Land in HMS Providence Map Document
Brakel, A.T. & Totterdell, J.M. 1990 The Permian palaeogeography of Australia Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Record 1990/60 126pp
Burrett, C.F. & Martin, E.L. 1989 Geology and Mineral Resources of Tasmania Special Publication Geological Society of Australia 15 Brisbane, Australia 574pp
Calver, C.R. 2009 Geological setting of Jurassic plant fossils near Lune River Tasmanian Geological Survey Record 2009/2 Hobart, Tasmania 14pp access via
Carpenter, R.J., Hill, R.S. & Jordan, G.J. 2017 Cenozoic vegetation in Tasmania: macrofossil evidence in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 276 - 298
Chavez, M. 2007 Fossil birds of Chile and Antarctic Peninsula Arquivos do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janerio 65 (4) 551 - 572
Clarke, M.J. 1971 The fauna and age of the Malbina A Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 14 Hobart, Tasmania 151 - 157 access via
Clarke, M.J. 1972 The growth position and post-mortem asymmetrical distortion of some Tasmanian neospiriferids Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 15 Hobart, Tasmania 139 - 143 access via
Clarke, M.J. 1973 Faunas from the Ferntree Group of South-Eastern Tasmania Department of Mines, Technical Report 15 Hobart, Tasmania 139 - 143 access via
Clarke, M.J. 1987 Late Permian (late Lymingtonian = ?Kazanian brachiopods from Tasmania Alcheringa 11 (4) 261 - 289
Clarke, M.J. 1992 A new Notospiriferine genus (Spiriferida: Brachiopoda) from the Permian of Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania Vol 126 Hobart, Tasmania 73 - 76
Clarke, M.J. 1992 Hellyerian and Tamarian (Late Carboniferous - Lower Permian) invertebrate faunas from Tasmania Bulletin of the Geological Survey Tasmania 69 Hobart, Tasmania 52pp access via
Clarke, M.J. & Farmer, N. 1976 Biostratigraphic nomenclature for Late Palaeozoic rocks in Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania Vol 110 Hobart, Tasmania 91 - 109
Clode, D. 2018 From Dinosaurs to Diprotodons: Australia's Amazing Fossils Museums Victoria Melbourne, Australia 43pp
Corbett, K. 2019 Child of Gondwana: The geological making of Tasmania Forty South Publishing Hobart, Tasmania 197pp
Corbett, K.D., Quilty, P.D. & Calver, C.R. 2014 Geological Evolution of Tasmania Geological Society of Australia Special Publication 24 Tasmania 639pp
Cosgriff, J.W. 1974 Lower Triassic Temnospondyli of Tasmania Geological Society of America Boulder, Colarado 134pp
Crespin, I 1964 Catalogue of Fossil Type and Figured Specimens in Tasmania Bureau of Mineral Resources, Geology and Geophysics, Report No. 69 Canberra, Australia 30pp
Davis, J.L. 1958 The cryoplanation of Mount Wellington Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 92 151 - 154
Davis, J.L. 1959 Sea level change and shoreline development in south-eastern Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 93 89 - 95
De Quincey, E. 1987 The History of Mount Wellington: a Tasmanian sketchbook E. de Quincey Hobart, Tasmania 132pp
Dettmann, M.E. 2017 Cretaceous vegetation: the microfossil record in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 143 - 170
Douglas, J.G. 2017 Cretaceous vegetation: the macrofossil record in Hill, R. S. (ed) History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 171 - 188
Dziewa, T.J. 1980 Early Triassic Osteichthyans from the Knocklofty Formation of Tasmania Papers and Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania 114 Hobart, Tasmania 145 - 160
Edwards, Z. 2007 Tasmania too old for dinosaurs ABC News Online, 14 December
Erwin, D. H. 2006 Extinction: How life on Earth nearly ended 250 million years ago Princeton University Press Princeton, New Jersey 296pp
Ezcurra, M.D. 2014 The osteology of the basal Archosauromorph Tasmaniosaurus triassicus from the Lower Triassic of Tasmania, Australia PLoS ONE 9 (1) 1 - 31
Farmer, N. 1979 Hobart Sheet SK-55/8 Geological Survey Explanatory Report Geological Atlas 1:250,000 Series Department of Mines Hobart, Tasmania 24pp access via
Farmer, N. 1985 Kingborough Sheet 88(8311N) Geological Survey Explanatory Report Geological Atlas 1:50,000 Series Department of Mines Hobart, Tasmania 105pp access via
Fitzgerald, E. 2012 The Last of the Flying Giants Australasian Science 33 (10) 18 - 21
Fitzgerald, E.M.G., Park, T. & Worthy, T.H. 2012 First giant bony-toothed bird (Pelagornithidae) from Australia Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 32 (4) 971 -974
Flinders, M. 1843 Chart of Van Diemen's Land. Sheet VI, South coast 1798 - 1799 Hydrographical Office London, UK Map Document
Forsyth, S.M., Clarke, M.J., Calver, C.R., Everard, J.L., McClenaghan, M.P., Corbett, K.D. & Vicary, M. 2023 Geology of Southeast Tasmania, Digital Geological Atlas, 1:250,000 Scale Series. Mineral Resources Tasmania,
Gaffney, E.S. 1981 A review of the fossil turtles of Australia American Museum Novitates, 2720, December 3 The American Museum of Natural History 38pp
Gillespie, R., Camens, A.B., Worthy, T.H., Rawlence, N.J., Reid, C., Bertuch, F., Levchenko, V. & Cooper, A. 2012 Man and megafauna in Tasmania: closing the gap Quaternary Science Reviews 37 38 -47
Goldring, R. 1991 Fossils in the field: information and potential analysis John Wiley & Sons New York 218pp
Gordon, D. 2003 Living Lace New Zealand Geographic 61, Jan - Feb
Hall, S. 1828 Van Diemen's Land Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown & Green, Paternoster Row London, UK Map Document
Hayes, J. 1793 A Chart of Van Diemen's Land Southern Extremity of New Holland Inscribed to Sir John Shore Bart by his most faithful and obedient servant John Hayes. Map Document
Hill, R. S. (ed) 2017 History of the Australian Vegetation: Cretaceous to Recent University of Adelaide Press Adelaide, South Australia 433pp
Houseman, G. 2023 Dispersal of Gondwana University of Leeds; Digital animation
Ivano, A.V., He, H., Yan, L., Ryabov, V.V., Shevko, A.Y., Palesskii, S.V. & Nikoaeva, I.V. 2013 Siberian Traps large igneous province: Evidence for two flood basalt pulses around the Permo-Triassic boundary and in the Middle Triassic, and contemporaneous granitic magmatism Earth Science Reviews, 122 58 - 76
Jell, P.A. 2004 The Fossil Insects of Australia Memoirs of the Queensland Museum Nature 50(1) Brisbane, Australia 124pp
Kronosaurus Korner 2023 Pterosaur
Kundrat, M., Rich, T.H., Lindgren, J. & Sjovall, P. 2020 A polar dinosaur feather assemblage from Australia Gondwana Research, 80 1 - 11
Lane, P., Morris, D., Bridle, K. & Eyles, A. 2015 Common grasses of Tasmania Cradle Coast NRM, NRM North, NRM South & the University of Tasmania 147pp
Larkins, D & Lyons, S. 2019 A new pterosaur, or prehistoric flying reptile species, has been discovered in outback Queensland ABC News Online, 4 October
Leaman, D.E. 1974 Seismic survey, Derwent estuary Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 17 104 - 106 access via
Leaman, D.E. 1976 Hobart Sheet 82(8312S) Geological Survey Explanatory Report Geological Atlas 1:50,000 Series Department of Mines Hobart, Tasmania 115pp access via
Leaman, D.E. & Moore, W.R. 1975 Refraction seismic survey, North West Bay Technical Reports, Tasmanian Department of Mines 18 46 - 52 access via
Lee, I. 1911 A forgotten navigator: Captain (afterwards Sir) John Hayes, and his voyage of 1793 The Geographical Journal 38 (6) 580-590
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